Saturday, July 10, 2010

Firstly, let me just tell you that whatever the mainstream media whores tell you is a lie; spin; a fallacy! If you don't know that by now, please slap yourself in the face, because you are a RETARD!

The mainstream media is a dying whore, because people are so tired of being lied to. They are sick and tired of catching administration after administration in a bold-faced lie, and the mainstream media never holding them accountable for it. Investigative journalism died after the watergate scandal!
Now, Barrack Obama wants a bail-out for the struggling newspapers and news networks, because people have stopped watching them. Ratings are dropping as fast as Barack Obama's approval ratings. They want to control the Internet, because people have turned to alternative news stations and reporters for the truth, instead. And the truth is out there, folks! You are being lied to and distracted from seeing what's going on right in front of you. If you knew how the banking system works, you would start a revolution! But your priority is the goddamned world cup, so we all stay enslaved. Don't get me wrong now, I'm all for fun and distraction, but it is now at the point of complete decadence and fanaticism, and that has to fucking change. listen up! Wake the fuck up! Because you are better than this. Listen to yourself, not the so called 'experts'. Just because they have a piece of paper that says 'degree', doesn't mean that they are all-knowing. They are clueless! They got that degree by parroting adopted opinions and switching off their own brains. All it proves is how easily they can be programmed. They are the gatekeepers of knowledge. They control social development by discrediting real geniuses, like Nicola Tesla.
At least watch Arron Russo's Freedom to fascism, or Bill Hicks, Or Alex Jones, and see what a REAL hero is. I know it's been a while, and you've forgotten what is real and what is fantasy - the mainstream does the thinking for you - and your attention span is ten percent that of your parents' generation. Pop culture is your god. Congratulations, you have been dumbed-down.
But I am your brother, and because i love you, I will point you in the right direction.

Now, I call on you to wake up and educate yourself. Learn the truth, and know what is really happening in the world. Read about how they are sterilizing the third world as part of their eugenics program -- and how your own water is poisoned with chemicals that sterilize you! Learn how food has been weaponized.

The time for change is here! More of us are awake and informed now than ever before. Come and join us for the big win that is on its way. A paradigm shift is coming, you better make sure you choose the right side!

Now, those of you who are awake are waiting for the big event that will start the revolution. I say, be your own revolution. Change your own life! Don't worry about anyone else. When enough people change, the sheep will follow like they always do. If you're reading this, you have to decide whether you are asleep, or whether you are awake. If you are asleep, I suggest that you start checking out some of the names that I've dropped in this blog. It is a good starting point.

Surely by now, you have to know that the mainstream media is just telling you what you want to hear, in order to protect and keep the status quo. Truth leads to change, and as the fourth branch of government, the mainstream media does not want change. They do not want the power structure to topple. But that is what needs to happen, because, at this point, the present form of government is not relevant anymore. That is why church and state are losing support. People want to be free, and as the spiritual awakening continues, they will be free. Love each other enough to care, but don't enslave each other with that love. Live free, die fulfilled. You are right! Your voice is valid! Use it!